The New Platonic Garden of Thinking
Akademie 3
Akademie 3 is a thought garden – not a think tank – where sustainable ways of thinking are cultivated.
We, the members of Akademie 3, are people of various professions committed to foster an intellectual revitalisation of society.
We trust in a re-renaissance of the spirit of aliveness which, in ancient Greece, fuelled the rise of democracy, philosophy, and science: the spirit that unleashed European humanism at the time of Renaissance.
We see ourselves in the tradition both of the first academy founded by Plato in 386 BC in a garden outside Athens and the Nuova Academia Platonica established by Marsilio Ficino in 1463 in the Villa Careggi near Florence: intellectual gardens promoting cultural flourishing.
We consider it our task to open up innovative spaces for conversations where contemporary expressions for the spirit of aliveness can be explored – spaces for dialogue that inspire people with enthusiasm for aliveness and humaneness.
Through interdisciplinary approaches we explore ways of communicating the creative spirit that once inspired free and democratic thinking in Ancient Greece, made art and science flourish and for centuries encouraged people to commit themselves to a humane and social world.
Christoph Quarch